Financial Aid Policies
The award notification process
所有本科新生都将通过邮寄的方式收到他们的经济援助通知书,并将其发送到学院存档的地址. 所有研究生和继续本科学生都会收到一封电子邮件,发送到他们的大学电子邮件帐户,指导他们在自助服务中查看他们的经济援助报价.
Financial Aid Distribution
Each semester, 学生账户办公室将通知学生,他们的“在线报表”可以在自助服务中使用. 声明将详细说明费用和援助的分配情况. 联邦勤工俭学不会出现在账单上. 此外,在收到资金之前,外部奖学金不会记入帐户.
Credit Hour Requirements
本科经济援助以标准学年的全日制入学为基础(每学期至少12个学分). 如果学生注册的时间少于至少12个学分,基于全日制入学的资助必须修改或取消. 对于有资格获得伊利诺伊州学生援助委员会货币奖励计划(伊利诺伊州MAP补助金Est)的学生, 每学期最多需要15个学分.
Veterans benefits vary with the number of credit hours carried by the veteran; a reduction in a student's course load during the semester may result in a reduction of benefits for that semester.
只要学生保持令人满意的学业进步,优异奖学金就会续签. Departmental scholarships (music, art, etc.)的续期,视乎学生的参与情况及院系拨款情况而定. Need-based (North Central College Grant, 联邦补充教育机会补助金, Federal Pell Grant, ISAC MAP)援助延期是基于是否符合资格标准和资金可用性. 请注意,联邦和州的资格每年都可能发生变化.
Student Aid Index (SAI)
根据FAFSA数据计算的指数. 经济援助办公室使用这个数字来确定学生的学业成绩
eligibility for need-based aid.
Subsidized loans are need-based. To be eligible, 本科学生必须根据联邦公式确定经济需求. 联邦政府在学生在校期间至少支付一半的利息,并在任何授权的宽限期内支付利息.
Unsubsidized loans are not need-based. 任何攻读学位的本科生或研究生都可以通过完成FAFSA来获得资格. 学生负责贷款的利息, 哪一项在支付时开始累积. 如果学生选择推迟支付利息,直到还款开始, 利息被资本化并加到本金中.
Student Loan Repayment
学生不负责他们的联邦贷款的本金,而注册至少一半时间. 他们有六个月的宽限期,从中场休息开始. 提款后六个月开始偿还贷款, graduation, 或者下降到不到一半的入学率. 联邦珀金斯贷款宽限期为9个月. Please visit the U.S. Department of Education for repayment and consolidation options.
Campus Enrichment Scholarship (First-Year) (Transfer)
第一年奖学金:学术奖学金、成就奖学金、院长奖学金、荣誉奖学金和校长奖学金 and Cardinal Award
Financial Aid Handbook
Please review the information in the handbook for financial aid policies.
Federal Compliance
The Financial Aid Office follows federal, state, 以及分配援助的制度准则, and the College provides general compliance information.
Financial Aid Code of Conduct
The Financial Aid Code of Conduct 的成立,是为了向所有资助处员工提供道德操守标准,并指导他们与同事相处, students, the College and the community.
Withdrawal from North Central College
Please review information for a student withdrawing from the College.
Check out our Frequently Asked Financial Aid Questions 查找常见问题的答案.